2023 OACP Annual Conference with Lisa Schneider: “Words Matter”

Friday, May 19, 2023
9:30am - 4:30pm

The Grotto, Portland, OR

Words Matter. 

How can our words shift communication from defensive to connected? 

Our clients come to us fearful of what they don’t know, and all that they think they know. We will learn how reframing our words and using other subtle shifts in how we communicate can help reduce those fears.

Clients can respond defensively to our question, putting up roadblocks to moving forward, or even derailing the process. We will explore how the power of non-defensive questions prompt clients to drop their defenses, open up, and share their concerns non-defensively.

In our struggle to respond effectively to defensive behavior or words we too can become defensive and struggle how to respond. We will do a deep dive into how to move the conversation forward in a positive way without being adversarial or judgmental.

The work Lisa Schneider will be sharing is rooted in the work of Sharon Ellison, the author of Taking the War Out of Words. Lisa, who studied closely with Ellison for years and is a skilled non-defensive trainer in her own right, believes that one of the gifts of Ellison’s work is how powerful and transformative her teachings can be in all aspects of our lives and relationships. 

Although we will primarily focus on our work in Collaboration and Mediation, Lisa’s hope is that you will come to value and implement these new communication tools in your personal lives as well.

Early Bird Registration (before April 15th). Payment links: Members $195; Non-Members $250.

Registration after April 15th: Members - $225; Non-Members - $275.

Location: The Grotto, 8840 NE Skidmore St., Portland, OR 97220

** Complimentary Continental Breakfast and Lunch will be served. **

Oregon State Bar CLE, Mental Health, and Financial CEU Credits Available.

Zoom Link: