The Covid pandemic has dramatically impacted how we serve our clients. Practitioners have been forced to acquire new skills, purchase and learn new technologies, and educate our clients in these new approaches. In this presentation, we will review six different metrics to compare the merits and limits of Zoom sessions vs. in-person mediations. Participants will be asked to share their experiences and preferences (“Team Zoom” vs “Team Room”), and consider how we can access the best of both (“Bringing The Room to Zoom”).

Judith Swinney, J.D., is a parent educator and coach, as well as an adoption / guardianship mediator with Oregon DHS and the New Mexico Children’s Court Mediation Program. Judith serves on the Oregon State Family Law Advisory Committee’s Parental Involvement and Outreach subcommittee, and is a board member of the Oregon chapter of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts. Since 1987, she has facilitated the court-mandated parent education classes for separated, divorcing parents in Multnomah and Clackamas Counties. Since 2000, Judith has offered the Parenting Beyond Conflict class. She is licensed to practice law in Texas and Oregon.

Linda Scher is a partner in Parting Waters Mediation, LLC and has been a private practice family mediator in Portland for over 30 years. She is a graduate of the University of Washington Law School. Linda is a member and past President of the Oregon Mediation Association and served on the Oregon Family Law Advisory Committee for 15 years. Linda frequently serves as a presenter on current family mediation issues and is a regular mediation role play coach and assistant trainer for public and private training programs in Oregon.

This meeting will be Friday, June 10 from noon – 1:30 p.m. via a Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 931 420 153

Passcode: 1021

Feel free to eat lunch during the Zoom…